
J-TOP インターナショナルチューター

J-TOP International Tutors

J-TOP インターナショナルチューター


  • TeamOncologyのビジョンとミッションに賛同する
  • 他者の貢献を認める力とリーダーシップスキルがある
  • 学際的なプログラムを開発する、その概念を理解している
  • 積極的な傾聴、自己主張、包括的なコミュニケーション能力を有する
  • TeamOncologyの活動やコンセプトについて理解し、他の人たちを教育しようとする意欲があること

J-TOP インターナショナルチューターの目標

  • チューターとしてJ-TOPの活動に継続的に参加し、J-TOPのミッションとビジョンを推進する
  • アジア太平洋地域におけるJ-TOPの将来のリーダーとなる
  • 積極的に経験豊富な専門家からの指導を受けたいと考えている若手の人材に、メンターシップの機会を提供する
  • 日本及びその他のアジア太平洋地域におけるがん診療、行政、教育、研究における共同研究のネットワークを拡大する

J-TOP International Tutors

The J-TOP International Tutors are those participants of the J-TOP program or Team Science Oncology Workshop who have demonstrated:

  • to agree with the TeamOncology vision and mission
  • leadership skills including acknowledgment of the contrib ution of others
  • understanding interdisciplinary program development concepts
  • communication skills of active listening, assertiveness and inclusiveness
  • the willingness to educate the others about the TeamOncology activities and concepts

Goals of J-TOP International Tutors

  • To promote the mission and vision of the J-TOP program by continued participation in J-TOP activities as Tutors.
  • To become a future leader of J-TOP activities in the Asian Pacific region.
  • To provide mentorship opportunities to young oncology profession als who are interested in actively pursuing guidance from and an experienced professional in their discipline.
  • To expand the network f or collaborati on in oncology practice, administration, education and research in Japan and other Asia Pacific countries



Hsiang-Kuang​​ Tony ​Liang​梁祥光(Taiwan)

B.S. (Physics), M.D., Ph.D. (Biomedical Engineering)​

Radiation Oncologist and Neurologist

Attending Physician

Institution: National Taiwan University Hospital

With over 15 years of multidisciplinary experience, I am passionate about and dedicated to transdisciplinary research and patient care by bringing oncology experts together to improve the efficacy of cancer treatment and patients’ quality of life.


Keisuke Shirai MD.MSCR

Keisuke Shirai白井敬祐(USA)



Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth
Norris Cotton Cancer Center

Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center

Through multi-cultural and multi-specialty training in Japan and in the United States, I have gained a unique appreciation of what it means to care for patients with cancer.
Initially, I was afraid of cultural differences but now I can find more similarities among humanity than differences.
 I seek to bring hope and peace for cancer management and recognize that optimal care for cancer requires a multidisciplinary approach respecting patients’ values and beliefs.
「"mututal respect" チームの中でおたがい尊敬しながら、日々を過ごせればパフォーマンスも自然に上がると信じています。いいことも、きっついこともありますが、きげんよくぼちぼちやっていきましょう。」
Adrian Fernandez Fernando, MD, RND

Adrian Fernandez Fernando​(Philippine)

M.D.,  RND

B.S. (Nutrition - Dietetics), M.D.

Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Cancer and Reconstructive Surgery

Attending Physician : University of Santo Tomas Hospital

Assistant Professor : University of the East Ramon Magsasay Memorial Medical Center, Inc.

I believe that team approach is and should be the building block of a true and competent support and healthcare management for all oncologic patients.
Creating one's team would definitely be better for everyone, but to keep them working well requires a lot of passion, compassion and excellence that are all summed up in JTOP.
Warren Bacorro​, M.D., DPBRO, FPCR

Warren Bacorro​(Philippine)


University of Santo Tomas Hospital

Oncology teams should strive to provide quality, evidence-based, multi-disciplinary, holistic, personalized and patient-centered cancer management and care. This means discerning the optimal compromise between what is ideal and backed by evidence, what patient resources and local expertise and facilities would allow, and what the patient wants.
It could be difficult, but always easier when working as a team, with the patient and family at the heart of the process.
オンコロジーチームは、質が高く、エビデンスに基づいた、集学的、全人的、 個別化、患者中心の癌の管理とケアを提供するために努力する必要があります。これは言い換えると、理想的なものとエビデンスに裏付けられたもの、患者の財力や労力とその地域の専門家や施設で可能なこと、患者が望むことの間で、最適な妥協点を見つけることを意味しています。困難なことかもしれませんが、患者や家族をプロセスの中心に置いて、チームで協力すればきっともっとうまくいくでしょう。
Hsu Wu​, M.D.

Hsu Wu(Taiwan)

M.D., Medical Oncologist

National Taiwan University Hospital

I want to comfort and bring happiness to cancer patients.
Cancer patients need multidisciplinary care.
I wish to build an oncology care system, in which patients can get comprehensive care and doctors and all the members can conduct their duty easily and smoothly.
Jayson L. Co (Philippines)

Jayson L. Co(Philippines)


University of Santo Tomas Hospital

The establishment of the multidisciplinary teams will promote cohesive, unified and consistent care backed by evidence-based medicine.
By creating these teams, there will be an avenue for open communication wherein the expertise and experience of various team specialties are shared and incorporated to the care.
The ultimate goal of this process is to provide optimal care to the patient and his/her family. I am happy that this passion for TeamOncology is imbued in the core of JTOP!
Bentley Yang-Bor Lu 吕元博(Taiwan)

Bentley Yang-Bor Lu 吕元博(Taiwan)

M.D., Gastroenterologist.
Attending Physician

Institution: Chang-Gung Memorial Hospital, Xiamen PR China.

Cancer patients need multidisciplinary consultation and care, especially in China.
I wish to introduce the concepts and spirits from J-TOP, to built multidisciplinary team base on communication.
Peng, Meng-Ting (Taiwan)

Peng, Meng-Ting(Taiwan)

M.D., Medical Oncologist

Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital

Team science is the cornerstone to build up a multidisciplinary work. It makes our therapeutic strategies more human and efficient through connections between physicians, nurses, pharmacists and therapists. As medical oncologist, I am proud of offering my patients the best treatment plan to fulfill their expectations of life. And a well-cooperated teamwork makes it more approachable. Caring, integrity and discovery, they are the core values of J-TOP. They are also the policy we are going to do.
Thiti Susiriwatananont

Thiti Susiriwatananont

Medical oncologist

King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital

I had a chance to participate in JTOP 2022. It was a great opportunity to learn team science and make connections with enthusiastic people in diverse fields from different countries. I believe the more we teach and learn team science, the more collaborations we will have to solve any difficult problem!


Chiang, Szu-Ting

Chiang, Szu-Ting(Taiwan)

Department of Nursing

National Taiwan University Hospital

It is undoubtedly that through multidisciplinary cancer care can provide patients higher quality of medical care and have better quality of life. By being a JTOP family member and actively participating in various programs.
We can not only improve ourselves, but help others as well.
While developing individual career, I am eager to share and apply what I know and learn to the multidisciplinary team. Moreover,
I want to let more people be aware of the benefits and the importance of team care.
Ophylea “Lea” Wu, FNP-BC

Ophylea “Lea” Wu(USA)

FNP-BC, Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner

Institution: Former MD Anderson Cancer Center Nurse/Nurse Practitioner

With 8 years of nursing experience working with oncology patients I understand the importance of having good communication not only with the patient,
but also among everyone involved in the patient’s multidisciplinary team.
Nurses spend a lot of time with the patient and often times are the voice that advocates for them. I hope to help nurses on an international level understand the importance of teamwork and how their voices and opinions matter.
Chen, Chiao-Ying(Taiwan)

Chen, Chiao-Ying ,NP.MNS. RN. 陳巧穎(Taiwan)

Nurse Practitioner
Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), Registered Nurses (RN)

National Taiwan University Cancer Center

It's very important that organised by a trust circle in oncology team to established a multidisciplinary care. The patient and the caregiver will be more safer both physically and mentally. I had a perfect learning experience in J-TOP and I would definitely utilize this concept to practical in my life.





Oncology Pharmacist

INSTITUTION: Medical Center Manila

Given the privileged to be part of JTOP workshop, it has made me realized that as a pharmacist. I should not just be content preparing chemo drugs but deeply understand the true meaning of my profession.
JTOP taught me to have a better understanding and be sensitive enough towards our patients.
To be able to do that we should be part of an effective medical team that can come up with multidisciplinary approach to provide hollistic care.
JTOPのワークショップに参加する栄誉を得たことを踏まえて、薬剤師として気付いたことがあります。 それは、医薬品を調製することだけに満足せず、自分の職業の真の意味を深く理解する必要があるということです。


Oncology Pharmacist


With the scientific team approach I learned through JTOP, I want to encourage each of my colleagues to believe that each of them is an important member of the team and to actively participate in team projects.
I would love to see each team member shine and at the same time patient-centered treatment will be completed in a team approach.
Kuo-Chan Darren Wang 王國展 (Taiwan)

Kuo-Chan Darren Wang 王國展(Taiwan)


Institution: National Taiwan University Cancer Center

As more therapies are developing, it is mandatory to care patients in multidisciplinary team.
Each member is essential. Platforms like J-TOP program do systemically help the medical experts to work greater in teams.
Dang Hoai Thu (Vietnam)

Dang Hoai Thu(Vietnam)

Oncology Pharmacist

Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, Italy (previously, Hanoi Oncology Hospital, Vietnam)

Team Medicine in general and Team Oncology in particular are becoming more essential than ever in every healthcare system. J-TOP is striving to spread knowledge and equip professionals with all necessary skills to work in collaboration with their colleagues, patients, and their families to provide the optimal care and treatment.
Thanks to J-TOP, I got to know more deeply about myself as well as people around me, thereby promoting better relationships with others. I am so eager to participate in multiple teamwork activities to provide cancer patients with the best treatment through clinical practice and high-quality research.