Project ECHO ONE
For Oncology Professionals in Asia.
Schedule 開催日程

Please note that this content is intended for medical professionals such as doctors, nurses and pharmacists, and we cannot legally disclose this information to the general public.
Are you a medical professional?
65th ECHO ONE Clinic
- Theme
Medical Ethics and Communication
がん医療の倫理とコミュニケーション - Date
August 27th, 2024, 8 p.m. in Japan, 7 p.m. in Taiwan and the Philippines, 6 p.m. in Thailand and Vietnam, and 6 a.m. in Houston
2024年8月27日(火) 日本時間20:00~
- Mentorメンター
Dr. Shiho Urakawa (Yamato Clinic)
浦川 史歩 (医師・やまと診療所) - Case presenter症例提示
Ms. Sakiko Aso (Shizuoka Cancer Center)
麻生 咲子 (看護師・静岡県立静岡がんセンター) - Facilitator進行
Dr. Hisashi Suyama (Tottori University Hospital)
陶山 久司 (医師・鳥取大学医学部附属病院) - Commentatorコメンテーター
Dr. Yoshihiro Nagai (Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine)
永井 義浩 (医師・京都府立医科大学附属病院) - Clerk書記
Ms. Rie Yamamoto (Jichi Medical University Hospital)
山本 理栄 (公認心理師、臨床心理士・自治医科大学附属病院) - Capacity定員
- 100
- Entry Fee参加費
Free (Please turn on your Zoom camera)
無料 (ただしカメラをオンにしてご参加ください) - Language言語
Japanese and multi-language *Translation subtitles available for multiple languages via Zoom AI
日本語(多言語) ※Zoom画面上で複数言語に対応した翻訳字幕を表示可能です - Flyerフライヤー
- 65th ECHO ONE Clinic_Flyer.pdf
Project ECHO ONEは、チームオンコロジー.Com会員のみお申込みいただけます。
Exclusively J-TOP members,
All participants of ECHO ONE are required to become J-TOP web members.
The J-TOP secretariat office will send all web members invitations to each ECHO ONE Clinic in advance of each session.
- Registered members click here.
- If you are not already a member, please register on the membership application page.