About Pre-Workshop Course
We would like to inform all of participants about the pre-workshop materials for the 3rd Team Science Workshop.
The 3rd Team Science Workshop will cover a variety of essentials under the theme "Innovative Team Approaches to Rapid Changes." You can further deepen your learning by touching on some of them as pre-workshop materials.
This is an exclusive service for J-TOP web members. Members can see and use the attached materials.
If you are a member please log in before using.
The 3rd Team Science Workshop参加者の皆様へ事前課題をご紹介します。
The 3rd Team Science Workshopでは、「変動の時代、革新的なアプローチでチームをエンパワーする」をテーマに、さまざまなエッセンスを学びます。事前学習としてそのいくつかに触れておくことで、さらに学びを深めることができます。
Japan TeamOncology Program(J-TOP)事務局Secretariat Office
4F, Shimbashi Ekimae No. 1 Buld., 2-20-15, Shimbashi, Minato-Ku,
Tokyo, 1050004, Japan
〒105-0004 東京都港区新橋2-20-15新橋駅前ビル1号館4F