Application Documents参加申込および提出書類について
If you wish to participate in the workshop, please click the link below to fill out the application form and submit it. Once you have applied for participation, please also submit “My Dream (Vision): What would I like to become in 5 years, 10 years” and your career introduction.
Please see below for more information on writing and submission.
お申込み期限およびレポート等の提出期限 Application deadline for submitting reports
提出期限 (Deadline):2020年11月7日(土曜) Saturday, November 7, 2020
英文課題レポート等のご提出について Submission of English Language Reports
The 4th Team Science Oncology Workshopへ参加をご希望の方は、参加お申込みとともに、下記テーマによる英文課題レポートとあなたのキャリア紹介をご提出いただきたく、お願い申し上げます。
- (1)英文課題レポート
- テーマ:“My Dream (Vision): What would I like to become in 5 years, 10 years”
- (2)あなたのキャリア紹介(英文)
MDアンダーソンがんセンターの上野 直人先生によるビデオレクチャー『キャリア形成に必須のMission & Visionの創り方:Successful Career』を掲載します。 どうぞ課題レポート執筆の参考にしてください。
YouTube動画チャンネル ≪TeamOncology Channel≫ http://www.youtube.com/TeamOncology
Submission form and instructions:
(1) “My Dream (Vision): What would I like to become in 5 years, 10 years”
(2) Career Information.
Please do not use separate files for each of the above two assignments; Submit them as 1 MS WORD file. The format and title of the report can be chosen freely. Please include the name of your institution, your name, and the body of the report in English on no more than the equivalent of two A4 sheets of paper.
How to submit:
Please send your report by e-mail with your name and your institution's name to our office: secretariat@teamoncology.com
提出方法:課題レポートは、施設名と氏名を記載して e-mail に添付のうえ事務局宛にお送りください。
To apply to the 4th Team Science Oncology Workshop, or if you have any questions regarding the application process, please contact the secretariat office directly by email at: secretariat@teamoncology.com
4th Team Science Oncology Workshopのお申し込み方法についてご不明な点がございましたら、事務局まで直接メールにてお問い合わせください。
Japan TeamOncology Program(J-TOP)事務局
〒105-0003 東京都港区西新橋1-6-12 AIOS虎ノ門
Secretariat Office: secretariat@teamoncology.com