Qualifications / Requirements for Participants参加要件
20 Physicians (including 1 or 2 pathologists and radiation oncologists), 16 Nurses, 16 Pharmacists, 8 other healthcare professionals.
Teams of physicians, nurses, and pharmacists from the same institution are welcome to attend, with preference given to single participants. Other professionals (pharmaceutical statisticians, MSWs, PTs, OTs, clinical psychologists, etc.) are also very much welcome to attend, so please apply.
Note: Those who have participated in the past are welcome to re-apply.
医師20名(含む病理医、放射線診断医)、看護師・薬剤師 各16名、
医療統計家・その他のメディカルスタッフ 8名(合計 60名)
注) また、これまでにご参加された方も再度お申し込みいただけますので、是非ご応募ください。
参加要件 Qualifications / Requirements for Participants
Physicians (including pathologists and radiation oncologists), Nurses, Pharmacists, Clinical statisticians and Other healthcare professionals
- Basic understanding of cancer treatment
がん治療の基礎知識がある人 - Keen interest in “Team Science” concepts for making the best multidisciplinary team in oncology care
最良のがん医療チームをつるくための「チーム医療を科学する」ことへの関心がある人 - Interested in principles of effective communication, learning leadership ideas and career development
効果的なコミュニケーション、リーダーシップ論、キャリア形成に関心がある人 - Becoming a member of TeamOncology.com
チームオンコロジー.com web会員になる
https://teamoncology.com/member/ - Basic ability to communicate in English is preferred
参加申込方法 How to apply to the 5th Team Science Oncology Workshop
Please visit "the application format".(お申込みフォームはこちら)
- 【別途お送りいただく資料】
- (3)英文課題レポート“My Dream (Vision): What would I like to become in 5 years, 10 years”
- (4)あなたのキャリア紹介(英文)
MDアンダーソンがんセンターの上野 直人先生によるビデオレクチャー『キャリア形成に必須のMission & Visionの創り方:Successful Career』を掲載します。 どうぞ課題レポート執筆の参考にしてください。
YouTube動画チャンネル ≪TeamOncology Channel≫ http://www.youtube.com/TeamOncology
提出期限: 2021年11月12日(金曜) 2021年11月30日(火曜)に延長いたします。
For English speaking healthcare professionals working in Asia (outside of Japan);
Please submit these documents by email.- A one page (A4) essay on “My Dream (Vision): What would I like to become in 5 years, 10 years”.
- Your CV (A4): Your career development story. Please include your leadership (responsibility and decision making) disposition.
Application Deadline: Friday, November 12, 2021The application period will be extended until Tuesday, November 30.
To apply to the 5th Team Science Oncology Workshop, please contact the secretariat office directly by email at: secretariat@teamoncology.com
参加者選考基準 Participant Selection Criteria
If the number of applications exceeds the maximum number available, the J-TOP Executive Committee will review the reports and career introduction by each applicant. After the review, the final participants will be selected. Thank you for your understanding.
Japan TeamOncology Program(J-TOP)事務局Secretariat Office
1-6-12, Nishi-Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
〒105-0003 東京都港区西新橋1-6-12 AIOS虎ノ門